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Just imagine the magic that is possible when you combine a passionate group of mothers with the hopes of young people. Every day Gente Organizada cultivates that magic to make our community’s dreams come true. Since our establishment in 2014, our roots are in community organizing—a group of immigrant mothers meeting in a local park whose leadership achieved our first win—securing an MOU with Lexington Elementary that made it a safer and more inclusive school environment. Ever since Gente Organizada has built on our foundation of trust and pride with our members to become the heart of a thriving local movement of people-powered community care and action. Together, we are reclaiming the future we want for the place we call home.


We have three main components of our work; Our Social Action Groups, Our Six Organizational Pods, and Our Coalitions and Partnerships.



Our social action groups take a nontraditional approach toward wellness and work on leadership development through action.

Pomona Students Union (PSU)

We empower Pomona young people, high school to college-aged, to organize for a healthy environment that allows our future leaders to grow.


We organize to:

  • Improve the Mental Health for Young People of Color

  • Dismantle the School-to-Prison Pipeline

  • Increase Government Funds for Youth

  • Create Platforms for Youth-led Media


The work of Gente Organizada is separated into six organizational pods that move forward the agenda of our social action groups. Each pod is led by a member of the Director’s Council.

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We can not do this work alone so we collaborate with our partners to build community-led movements that address critical issues that impact the most vulnerable in our communities.


We are proud members of the following coalitions:

Pre-Arrest Youth Diversion & Development Community Collaborative

In 2021, the Pomona Mayor, Gente Organizada, Just Us 4 Youth, PCS Family Services, Pomona Unified School District, and other organizations formed this collaborative to create a multi-agency implementation and investment of a Pre-arrest Youth Diversion. 

Pomona Education Coalition

The Pomona Education Coalition was formed to and was successful in advocating for an Ethnic Studies graduation requirement in the Pomona Unified School District.

Police Oversight Starts Today (POST)

Was founded in April 2019 after the final officer involved in the beating of Christian Aguilar was acquitted on obstruction of justice charges. POST organizes to bring oversight and accountability to the Pomona Police Department.

ICE Out of Pomona

ICE Out of Pomona is a broad coalition of organizations in Pomona that in 2017 organized successfully for the City of Pomona to adopt an ordinance that would prohibit the City from partnering with ICE.

Pomona United for Stable Housing (PUSH)

PUSH is a tenant rights and rent control movement in the City of Pomona. PUSH has been successful in organizing for rent control ordinances and assistance in Pomona.

Parent Organization Network (PON)

The Parent Organization Network was founded with a mission to connect, empower, and mobilize parents and parent organizations across the greater Los Angeles area to improve academic outcomes and the quality of education.

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